Thanks for your interest in our lab.

Here are some FAQs which may help you learn more about us.

Q: What kind of members is IMPACT Lab looking for?

A: We are looking for self-motivated students with a decent coding foundation and an interest in our research.

A: Sure. Our current members come from diverse undergraduate backgrounds, including CS, BME, IE and Communication Engineering ect. We welcome students of all backgrounds to submit their applications.

Q: Can students without research experience join IMPACT Lab?

A: Absolutely. For those without prior research experience, we hope you can have a basic understanding and preference in the ralated area so that we can match you with the most suitable research topic. And don’t worry, every member will receive thorough guidance during the initial stages of research.

Q: What would the training program be like for Master/PhD students at IMPACT lab?

A: At IMPACT, every member begins with comprehensive hands-on guidance. We will then decide a further research mindset for you considering your capabilities, achievements, and interests for your subsequent research journey. We hope that every member at IMPACT Lab can gradually grow into an independent researcher in their own research area, whether they are pursuing a Master or a PhD degree.

Q: How to join IMPACT Lab?

A: If you’re an undergraduate student at ShanghaiTech, feel free to directly visit our Lab at 305/308 Room BME Building for a chat. For prospective graduate students from other institutions, we are just an email away. Please send us an email with your CV for further discussion. BTW, all applicants are encouraged to watch these talks (talk@VALSE-Webinar 2022, talk@MICS 2022) to have a basic understanding of our research before reaching our for us.